Ancient Riders Motorcycle Association (UK)


We are all Pagan and all bikes are welcome. There are no dues, mandatory attendance or head trips.

The Ancient Riders Motorcycle Association is made up of motorcycle riders who are pagan. All people who ride are welcome, we are however a pagan organization. By pagan we mean that our religious and philosophical beliefs are pagan. We are not associated in any way with the renown motorcycle club called “The Pagans”. As pagan people our spiritual paths are earth based. It is open to Wiccans, Druids, Celts, Asatru, and other pagans. As free people we are not bound to conventional mores. We are responsible people who encourage safe responsible riding. We are also free thinkers who live life to the fullest and experience all we can. Women riders, as well as gay and lesbian riders, are welcome and will not be discriminated against in any way. We don’t care what your gender, sexual orientation, or motorcycle make. Lets just live life and be brothers and sisters to one another.

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