Black Mafia MCC (UK)

The Black Mafia MCC evolved from the BMIH, (Black Mafia Iron Horses) a riders group set up some years ago.

As a club we wear our own patches and other clothing which is unique to us and us alone, we do have a rank structure to help run the club, but in keeping with the Green Jacket ethos of not wearing rank in the field there won’t be patches for club ranks.

We won’t be expecting those wishing to join us to prospect as such, like cleaning bikes or guarding them etc, that’s not what we’re about, but they must have an affiliation to the Green Jacket Regiment, and can wear the bottom rocker for a time period to be decided by the Club, people can apply to join or be invited in by those already fully patched members of the Black Mafia MCC.

We don’t expect full attendance at every Rideout/event, but we do require an effort to make at least 3 a year including the clubs AGM.

As Green Jackets we don’t do BS or infighting with club politics, every decision made is discussed and agreed.

The only thing that we insist on is the wearing of our patches in the right order on our cuts, other than that wear what you like.

If you’re part of any other riding group and wish to continue with those then that’s not a problem either.

Members must ride a motorcycle 500cc and over, no Scooters (with the exception on health grounds)

Black Mafia MCC

Celer et Audax (Latin: Swift and Bold)

The Black Mafia is a nickname used by the Royal Green Jackets.
The Royal Green Jackets (RGJ) was an infantry regiment of the British Army formed in 1966.

Please contact admin if this is or was your motorcycle club and you wish to add, edit or remove any of this content.

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Wank fckn durch

Can you be the son of an ex 3RGJ