Black Shuck MCC (UK)

Black Shuck MCC are a friendly bike club from Ipswich in Suffolk, We’re in to bikes, rally’s, beer, live N’ loud music. We meet every Thursday 7.30pm.

We hold a bike rally each year on the first full weekend of august, check out our Facebook Page for more!

We try and do as much as we can for charity including toy collections at Christmas which we deliver to various charities and an egg collection at Easter.

Black Shuck enjoy frequent 125cc safe ride outs to pubs and cafes around East Anglia.

If you’re a rider who’s interested in joining the bike scene and looking to be part of a close family like us, then please contact us through our Facebook page or come to one of our weekly meetings, Thursdays 19:30 – 21:00 at (please ask) to meet us and have a chat!

But please contact us first so we know to look out for you.

Black Shuck was formed in 1098 by a rogue division of the Knights Templar.

Bored with saving relics and upholding the word of god they decided to break away and form a new club, one that would hold and attend parties with a view to getting stoned, having fun and riding motorbikes.

However they soon realised that motorbikes hadn’t been invented yet and so Black Shuck HC (Horse Club) was born.

About 900 years later one of the more intelligent members remarked that he was fed up with shovelling up the shit his horse kept leaving and that he was going to get a motorcycle. And so Black Shuck MCC was formed.

Black Shuck MCC

Black Shuck MCC

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That made me chuckle from Black Shuck MCC! Good to see the humour coming through. Something that is often overlooked when bikers are reported on.