We Are A Brotherhood Of Bikers Who Join Together To Promote Our Love Of Riding Motorcycles And Our Vision Of The American Biker Lifestyle.
The Boozefighters Motorcycle Club (BFMC) is a motorcycle club, formed in California just after World War II. The Club that inspired a movie, The Wild One a 1953 American film, inspired by a short story written by Frank Rooney, who himself was inspired by sensationalized news coverage of a motorcycle rally in Hollister, California over the 4th of July weekend, 1947. We are very patriotic & support the US military. It’s how we began! We strive to do our best to continually improve ourselves, our Club, and the communities we live in. All this, while celebrating life and living it to the fullest.
Beginning in 1946, the Boozefighters Motorcycle Club has established itself in more ways than most will ever know or understand.
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