Christian Riders of Pineville (USA)

USA Pineville, Louisiana

Formed In January Of 2003 Christian Riders Of Pineville Are A Group Of Motorcycle Riders Who Have The Common Bond Of Christ And The Love For Motorcycles.

Our group was formed with the thought of gathering men and women who had a love for motorcycle riding but who’s passion for Christ and sharing the good news was greater. We use the motorcycle as a way to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to the motorcycle community and others. We also love to fellowship and ride with like minded riders. The Newsletter is from our President which will inform you about our activities. We would like to invite you to attend one of our monthly meetings or make one of our scheduled rides.
Over the years our group has helped families in need by providing food, clothing, and necessary living items. We have helped a struggling church get their new sanctuary painted, made a charity ride to raise money for a youth group mission trip and helped a struggling ministry when they needed support. Also our members have made visits to down bikers in the hospital and we have prayed with them all.

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