Currahee MC (Tennessee)

USA Fayetteville, Tennessee

Currahee Motorcycle Club Does And Always Will Support Its Local Veterans, VFW, American Legion, And Any Others In Need Of Our Support.

We designed our colors to be about us and what we believe. The red-tail Hawk represents Freedom, as he flies free, so do we ride across this great nation on our machines. The wheel represents the circle of life of our brotherhood, there is no end, a brother is a brother as life goes on and beyond. The three spokes of the wheel is what supports our life, God,Family and Club.
The skull represents a brother, it takes all brothers to make a family. These symbols together make our colors. Whenever we ride we proudly fly them.
Currahee Motorcycle Club is a brotherhood Club. There are only Male members, It is Not a club you can just join. Each new prospect must have a full patch holder to sponsor him and be confirmed by the entire club and then complete a minimum probationary period of three months or more. Currahee Motorcycle Club is and always will remain a 100% drug free club with no exceptions.
We host many events throughout the year, many of which we encourage anyone and everyone to bring their family, friends and children to.

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