Dark Horse MC (USA)

Dark Horse MC – Florida was founded by a small group of avid bikers that enjoy the bond made with both our motorcycles and the brothers we ride with.

Dark Horse MC was founded on November 19th, 2002 which began an eternal group of bikers bounded by the true purpose and understanding of what the traditional biker represents.

This is the foundation of the Dark Horse Motorcycle Club (DHMC). DHMC is well established, but chooses to remain a mystery and focus only on the true purpose of a motorcycle club.

“A Dark Horse represents a group that is guarded and mysterious by nature”

We ride together for the sake of the open road that lies in front of us.

The brotherhood bond we have created is strong, committed and unbreakable.

As the nature of DHMC we possess the right to keep the club true to its past, present and future members.

DHMC membership is an honor and a privilege, because of this undertaking our club is not open to the public.

DHMC does not actively recruit new members.

Hang-around and prospect status may be offered and are by invitation only.

Please do not contact DHMC regarding membership. Only persons that are approached by a DHMC member may inquire about the process of becoming a full patch member.

The current club president has the final voice on all phases of the membership process.

Dark Horse MC

Dark Horse MC

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