Devil’s Disciple MC England (UK)

UK England

The Devil’s Disciple MC were founded in Greater Manchester back in 1969. Now with chapters in Manchester, Cumbria. North-Side, South-Cumbria, Bolton, West-Cumbria & Nomad.

The Devil’s Disciple MC was founded in Greater Manchester in 1969 and flew the N.West bottom rocker and the devil’s head centre patch. Al Fryers was the first president between 1969 and 1973. The club was based around Lymm from 1969 to 1971 and used to meet at pops cafe now the poplar 2000 services. The Club moved to the Partington area between 1971 and 1980 and initially met in a room behind the local Youth Club. Thor became President in 1973 and in 1981 the Devil’s Disciple moved into Central Manchester.

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Duncan shelmerdine

If its ok i would like to come down and meet a few old friends i use to work at archways with thor and gasp if you could tell me where the club house is and days you meet on i would love a catch up