Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club (USA)

The Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club founded on 27 April 1968.

Our purpose was and is to create the feeling of comradeship and to keep what brought us together alive, and that is the love for the art of motorcycling and the wandering lust for the open road.

Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club are not a 1%er or outlaw motorcycle club, but we do wear MC on our colors and to us that is very serious, will defend and protect what we believe in.

Our motorcycle club was started in the garage of Leroy Bolden aka King Dragon, in New Haven, CT, April 27, 1968.

The name Flaming Knights came from the way the fellows were promiscuous with the ladies, so since they thought they were hot, it was suggested by their ladies that they call themselves Flaming Knights.

Flaming Knights MC is a riding club, since the beginning we have been travellers, going places that other clubs only talk about! . We hold no bias on colour, gender, or brand of motorcycle.

Our mission is to become the largest travelling motorcycle club in the world. Flaming Knights MC ride to promote togetherness, unity, family, and for the fun of it.

Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club

Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club

This image is of the colours for the Flaming Knights MC, Central Valley, CA.



https://www.facebook.com/flamingknightsforever An in depth look in to the realm of the Flaming Knights Motorcycle Club.

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Michael Levenite(Nomad)

I am Nomad, a 30 year member of the Renegades Motorcycle Club in Va. Beach, Va. Do you have a member in Norfolk/Va. Beach with the name of Mathew Perez who was involved in a BAD Motorcycle/truck accident this past March/21? You can contact me by my Phone #(757)325-5404. We want to possible do a fundraiser and we’ve heard that he was one of y’all. I would like to know if he is a current member in good standing or otherwise not.