Frie Veteraner MC (Norway)


Frie Veteraner MC Norge (FVMC NORGE) Norway was founded in 2016. We are a Nato and Veterans one patch, 100 percent law abiding MC Club.

Free from economic bindings from government and other state governed institutes. A one patch club. However code of conduct and rules are paramount.
FVMC was started by three veterans from Norway, whom all have served in international operations under NATO and or UN. These 3 are now the leaders of the Board “The first 3”.
Being a member is 100% free of charge and there are no further economic bindings, except for; members pays for their cut, patches and gear.
All FVMC are Nomads as members are spread all over Norway, we claim no territory.
There are no obligatory runs or meetings for our members.
Many veterans have PTSD and other physical injuries, FVMC welcomes all veterans who have served in international operations (INTOPS) and left the service in an “honorable way”. To become a full fledge member you must ride a Motorcycle.
Our name FRIE VETERANER directly translate to “Free Veterans” what we mean with our name is; no one member is bound by overburden rules and regulations, to be a “Biker” is all about liberty and freedom. The title “Veteran” is an honorable title and they have shed their bonds to their master but still pledge to protect and defend liberty for all.

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