Islanders MC (USA)

USA, Staten Island, New York

Islanders MC is one of the oldest Touring Motorcycle Clubs in New York, it was established in 1968.

Our organization consists of individuals who enjoy the motorcycle experience, the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts, the appreciation of riding the open road, and for those who want to work together to achieve the goals of the club.

The Islanders MC participates in many events throughout the year. Most are motorcycle related. Some are not. But we participate as a motorcycle club. We have neither “attitudes” nor are we a specific bike brand club. We want to ride. We want to tour. We want to do these things as often as we can. And we do them as a club.

We believe in enjoying the simple pleasures that life has to offer, riding the open road, good times and good friends. We also believe that a motorcycle is built to be ridden, not to be kept safe in a garage, that’s why our members enjoy riding thousands of miles each year.

The Islanders MC is proud to ride as support for local charity events.

  • We are honored to be an escort for the 911 America’s Ride, the Wounded Warriors, the SIBA Toy Run and many other charity fund raisers
  • We roll south for Daytona Bike Week in the Spring, and Biketoberfest in the Fall.
  • The Islanders MC has been enjoying Daytona since it’s early years
  • In May we ride to Rolling Thunder in DC.
  • June is Americade, and a full week of riding the Adirondack Mountains all day and partying in Lake George Village all night.

Islanders MC

Islanders MC

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