Jesters MCC Preston were formed on the first of April 1995.
It all started one cold and snowy year at the blue cock rally over Yorkshire way, whilst partaking of a few local brews a motley crew of bikers suddenly found out they were all from the Preston area, so after a good weekend of partying and more than a couple of thick heads they decided to get together for a few runs out on their return to Preston.
After a couple of months of hard partying, it was decided to start a club, the problem was a name, many suggestions where made, (Red Rose MCC, Natural Born Idiots MCC to name but a few) they decided to make it official and on the 1st of April 1995 the Jesters MCC Preston was born.
It was to be four years of rallies, partying and abusing other clubs hospitality before the clubs first rally, again a name had to be found, was it to be, (The Clown Duels Rally or the Larf Yer Tits of Rally) these and many other suggestions lost out to the Cum-n Dribble In-t Ribble.
A site was found at Vernon Carus Sport Club in Preston and held at the end of September each year.
For 2004 it was decided to move the rally from its current location to a more manageable site at the Hand and Dagger public house, it was held there for two years, until a more permanent site could be found.
A new site was found at Whittingham sport and Social Club where the Sept 06 rally was held, this is now the new home of the Jesters MCC Preston, club meetings are held on the first and third Monday’s of the month starting at 8pm.
If you are in the area and interested in joining a club why not pop in for a drink and a natter.
Jesters MCC Preston
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