Joining a motorcycle club is the easy bit, earning your patch can be fairly easy (depending on club) but keeping it once earned is the hardest part, anyone can tell you this.
Looking for a real club near you to join or hang around with? Try the Search Box and look for local motorcycle clubs, go for an MCC if in the UK it is the best way to start and learn what it all means.
Want to join a real motorcycle club?
Ask a local club member as you’ll have clubs in your area wherever you live, just ask around and there’s always something on at a weekend like a biker rally or a show, so look it up and check them out, you won’t regret it and could be the best thing you’ve ever done in your life.
If you’re thinking of joining a motorcycle club here’s a minuscule bit of info of my experience in clubs that may or may not give newbies a clue on how to go about it but I’m gonna write just a few words that might help prospective hangarounds!
My time in motorcycle clubs were the best days of my life, club life was my life, I expect club will always be a part of my life even as I can no longer ride and continue to spiral downhill with various health issues and it shouldn’t but being in my mid 60’s & sick I’ve become a retired biker, I think that’s fair to say as I am a biker, always have been and always will.
If you’re thinking of joining a motorcycle club & wearing or as we bikers say, ‘flying’ a patch you usually expect to become brothers eventually by showing trust & loyalty to the club and members but that’s not always foreseen.
I’ve been in and around several motorcycle clubs gaining plenty of experience from front & full back patch clubs, MCC to 1%ers and despite the bickering and ups & downs I’ve seen or experienced, I’ve never had a real problem and can honestly say life doesn’t get much better when belonging, an extended family as we call it.
I easily & quickly moved on from one bad experience in quite a large international motorcycle club that I had put everything into but found the right path by putting that time behind me and accepting an offer made from a 1%er club, real brother bikers, best move I ever made!
I’ve only ever thrown my patch in or left in good standing, my last club membership I retired in good standing due to health reasons.
If you ever lose or throw your patch you’ll likely be one of those ‘out in bad standing’
I wouldn’t know but I can imagine what life would be like 👹, not very pleasant.
I helped form another club, MCC, became president as well as a founding member and spent a few years riding & knowing that the guys by my side always had my back, these were the real deal, ‘my brothers’. One hundred percent dedication and loyalty to each other, something I’d never really known of before when belonging in a motorcycle club.
This was the life for me but unfortunately poor health forced me to retire from club a few years later, but I was still me and my brothers are always there for me, despite having to part with my bike, I am a biker always & forever!
I love the clubs scene, I class myself as being a biker as many people that ride will do on custom builds, chops & Harleys. However there are many others that don’t and generally ride sports bikes (Plastic Crap) or scooters & mopeds etc.
Bikers are generally known as having long hair, long beards, wear leather jackets & filthy jeans and cause mayhem in every town or village we rode to! Well that was the case 40 years ago when I started life as a biker officially early in the early 70’s but things change.
I used to wear the ‘originals’ the unwashed Levi jeans thick in crap and ripped so always had to wear a half decent pair of jeans underneath, even then the dirty oil use to get through to my skin.
Steel capped wellies or jackboots with fisherman’s socks, cuts usually in denim as it was cheap and far easier to cover in studs, chains and badges. I also used to have a postman’s (I think it was but it could have been anything as long as it looked right) hat with the sides pinned down to look Nazi style and of course covered in studs and chains for under the chin. A lot of the gear we used to nick from pet shops or army surplus stores, once a Saturday as my old man would find and burn my cut-off most weeks.
A biker nowadays is more likely to have a skin head, be clean shaven or sport a small goatee, smell of aftershave, wear shiny leather trousers and behave, depending on how many beers or JD’s have been sunk! Fortunately there’s still plenty of old school boys alive & riding, they have my utmost respect.
Other motorcyclists like to be known as just that or as a rider but a biker to me is part of belonging to a very large group of like minded people. Most are very friendly and will do anything to help each other. I have met hundreds of bikers in my years and many I would class as good friends or even now as brothers including 1%ers and MCC’s.
Any questions I may be able too help with or you’d like to add, please feel free to leave a comment in the comments form below.
Arnie, Good write-up. Interesting read. I have been out of the UK since the late 90’s working in conflict and post-conflict countries but now returned to Cumbria. When possible I run with a Spanish club called Calamity Jayne over in Spain but as backing not as a fully patched member due to my time away working overseas. I was interested to learn from your article that some clubs don’t have your back. I am an ex squaddie working in the private military sector and sometimes in the humanitarian sector as part of a rapid disaster response team. I now reside in Carlisle and having been away from the UK scene I am looking for an MC club that is not full of wankers. I am looking for brotherhood and a sense of belonging. I am curious as to which MC you might recommend and which was your club that you… Read more »
Thanks Buddy, not sure how long ago you posted this as I’ve been too busy to stop by lately but drop me an email via and I’ll be in touch asap
Hi Annie, great read. I have been riding bikes most of my life growing uo on a farm and years of motor cross. I’m yet to get my bike licence but would live to join the viking mc.
I love my vikings history and have been obsessed since a kid. I’m 33 and live in Hampshire. I work full time as a hgv driver.
When you join the club what is expected from you at all times? How often do you meet etc. I look forward to hearing back from you. Cheers, Lee
I’m not a member of the Vikings Lee. You need a bike first and be road legal before you even think of joining a club.
I read your write up. It was awesome! I’m not a 1% er but in another life maybe. I certainly admire them!
I’m sorry to read about your misfortune and health issues, what you wrote is good reading though.
I’m reading Frank Thorleys books. I’m through the second one now. Awesome read! Scary stuff tho bu I get the impression that if you’re an ok guy you’ll be ok with the Angels if you respect their ways and today they’re mellowed out more.
I’m just a little gutted tho that some MC groups don’t like others. It’s a shame that really.
I’m a tad biased to 81 support so obviously I wouldn’t affiliate with the opposition while this is the case.
L&R and thanks for the interesting read!
Thanks for your comments Mark but what would the 1%ers do if they all got along, get pretty bored without the games I reckon.
Well we did move to Poland, and what a nice country it is to live in, I have found a great bike shop ( moto frog ) in Opole, and they did a great job on my Harley Sportster 1200, they put it through the Polish test for me and it is now on a Polish plate, there is a great bike event called the Polish bike week, it is a very good event, put on by the Harley club in Wroclaw, but bike of all kinds come and are made very welcome, and in the parade we saw bike of all sizes, trike,s mopeds, and scooters, with 2 music stages, lots of food and camping at the event, and the event is Free?? so a big well done to the bikers who put the event on for all of their bikes friends.
Thanks for your efforts with a interesting web site. I’m in the process of joking an MC at the age of 55. Have always been around bikes but life and work never gave me the time to join a club. So far the club I’m with have been very welcoming but have a strict protocol,the members come from all walks of life and will help each other in anyway possible. I have a little advantage as I build and restore motorcycles.If people are interested I will update my journey from prospect to full member.
I want to to learn everything I can
Just wanted to say thank you for mentioning my dad. Hope you’re doing ok. Life has a funny way of turning out and you just have to roll with the punches.
My dad’s Derrick
He was a real close friend for many years, its an eye opener having lost so many good buddies but makes you feel better knowing you’re one of the lucky ones to still be alive, struggling with life maybe but alive.
Hi, I am in Poland with my Polish wife in Opole, and I saw your site, I have found that with this age thing it gets harder and harder to be a biker, my best biking friend and brother Mike was taken by cancer, he took me to see easy rider in 1970 and that set us off, and my other friends have all given up due to old age, but not me we are just back from the Rock roof event in the alps, on my 1200 Sportster with trailer, I live in France just now and we hope to move to Poland next year, good health my friend
Respect to you for opening up to the world! Biker life has changed radically since the 60’s & 70’s. Not always for the best I think. We need people who there to share thoughts and history. Thanks.
Hi Arnie, wow – massive respect. I been ‘biking’ since ’75 and worked my way up through the cc’s. I served for over 12 years in the RAF, after release retrained in IT. Had a 20+ yr break from bikes and now been back for just over a year. Current ride is a 1981 GL1100, starting to find that I am no longer a young pup and all the stuff I put my body through is now catching up with me. hey-ho. Best regards.
Hi Geoff, I’ve been on the road since 76, or had been should I say. Age catches up with us all but some are luckier than others when it comes to health. Much Respect Geoff.
Hi, I served in the Royal Signals as a reserve and would like to become a member of your club. If at all possible could you could you send me some information please. Regards, Barry Paginton.
Id just like to say a massive respect to you. You are a true insparation to people everywere and you never give up. You are a trooper thank you for sharing your life with us god bless you. yours neville hogarth lone rider .
Thank you so much for your king words Neville.
I Am Disabled And Unable To Ride . Been Very Ill Myself . But I Love Bikes And Love The Idea Of Brotherhood. I Look For Loyalty And I Give Loyalty Back . To Me Nothing Else Matters
I hear you Mark!
Hi Arnie, great tribute Arnie, just like a true Brother would post. My name’s Owen I hope to get back on the scene asap (currently bikeless) but also disabled myself; was diagnosed with Gulf War Sickness and chronic MS back in 2003, osteporosis, knackered patella, crumbling disc in my spine and the lobe at the top of my right lung has calcified. No problem, crack on, life’s a piece of piss right? Once I do get a bike, I’d like to join Gravesend MC (if you accept a disabled rider?) after I’ve joined NABD. Because of balance problems (and no feeling in my right arm & both legs), I was looking at a bike-to-trike conversion but’d need a second mortgage; that bein the caseI’d probably have to opt for either the Flatshifter Max or Expert Dualever (I’ll have to get more info from NABD when the time comes) Anyways, take… Read more »
Hey Owen, good to hear from you but sorry about your health issues. I’m well retired from club now, it’s a struggle just to get out of the house!
Much Respect Buddy
Dunno if you still kick around here Arnie but all the best and good luck.
Hey Bro, I know I’ve not replied to any messages until now, been busy but intend to keep on top from now on.
Hope you’re well wherever you may roam.
Just a salute Arnie, good work. Am only just seeing how biking can work (from the sidelines as don’t trust easily), whilst renovating a bike. Although had a bike for many years, have been biased away from clubs as they have a darker reputation than I could handle. It is a reflection of my bias that shows my stupidity when I read posts similar to yours, and attend meets, and realise that I could well have missed a richer more colourful life if I…. so, good health to you and yours.
Hey Phillip, thanks for your kind words.
Yes it’s a good idea to start hanging around where the family type of club get together to find your feet.
It’s a great way of life, best path I choose many years ago.
Take Care