Norseman MCC Sussex (UK)

Norseman MCC Sussex are based in Hastings, East Sussex , the Norsemen MCC is a group of diverse members who own all types of bikes.

The Norsemen MCC Sussex, are delighted to let every one know that for the foreseeable future, the Norsemen MCC will be helping to raise awareness and some funding for SERV Sussex Blood runners.

The Blood Runners – “Sussex – Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers (SERV)” are an organisation of bikers that volunteer to make essential collections & deliveries of bloods and other medical supplies from & to hospitals in Sussex.

The Norsemen MCC Sussex, will among other exciting events next year such as the “Hastings Mayday Run”, will be organising our awesome “Poker Run Chase The Ace” rally to take place over the 8th, 9th, 10th June 2012.

We ask that you will all come along, and have a fantastic rally weekend with live rock bands etc. and join us with our efforts to support such an invaluable voluntary service.

Norsemen MCC Sussex, not to be confused with any other Norsemen clubs MCC or MC

Norseman MCC Sussex

Norseman MCC Sussex

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I heard they are no longer but dont know the full story.