Nuggets Motorcycle Club started in 1962, from the Nugget Bar in Buena Park, Southern California.
The original patch was a beer drinking rabbit on a motorcycle.
These were the 3 things the Nuggets motorcycle club liked to do… Fuck like rabbits, drink beer & ride motorcycles.
In the early 1970’s North Iowa and Grants Path, Oregon chapters were started.
The Nuggets MC were probably best known for their runs, the Death Valley run from 1975 – 1978. Riders came in from all over the States as well as England, Germany, Australia etc. Finally in 1979 the Nuggets were told they were not welcome back.
Then there was the Nugget nun from Big Oak Range in San Diego. All the Nugget runs were well attended as they always knew how to throw a party.
The Nuggets MC still maintain the same values and traditions they had when the club was started.
This patch was worn on a multi-coloured serape. In 1964 the patch was changed to as it is today.
Nuggets MC Southern California
Does anyone have a better image of this patch or more content on the Nuggets MC history? Please send via Contact Form
Please contact admin if this is or was your motorcycle club and you wish to add, edit or remove any of this content
Hello my name is Julie. I’m reaching out to anyone that knows John Carroll. He is in TDCJ and is trying to find a few people. His msgs are coming 3rd party from segregation and it’s really hard to hear and/or understand him. You can reach him through the website which is the prisons messaging system. Or contact me at
Also, he is at Coffield Unit in Tennessee colony, Texas. Please keep in touch
Hello I am Ed (Edward) Swinsons daughter, I was hoping someone would know or remember him from back in the day. He never told me too much about his past and now sadly suffers from dementia. He passed down all his biker patches and things to me, even an old photo of the Hardly He had built. Please contact me if you happen to have any history of my father, thank you
Looking for Dubbie.
He is or was a Nugget. I was in Murphy Canyon M/C San Diegolong time ago. I had contact with him. now I am in Tennessee. any body remember him or me?
I am looking for my father Rojo Cobb we lost touch about 15 years ago… I am hoping he is with us.. if anyone has any information please let me know.
Thank you!
I am Rojo’s daughter Jamie. We lost him April 19, 2024. If you would like to reach out my email is
Blue passed this week
Miss seeing you guys at Yuma run.
Anyone remember Virgil Hoelscher.
In the mid 70s my father Virgil Hoelscher, ran around South Gate and Lynwood with the Nuggets. I’m told he was president at one point. Just wondering if anyone remembers him and has any cool stories to share with me, Loren Hoelscher. I’m still in the area to this day. Living in Long Beach, and yes I also ride. But I don’t ever hear of any Nuggets around any more. Any still around that may have known Virgil?
Yes we’re still around. I will try to get back with you at another date. I’ll talk to one of the old brothers from the 60s are you still married? Know your father I am a member but I don’t know him.
Well, that email came out wrong. I will talk to one of the old brothers to see if he remembers your father and I will try to get back with you on a later time
Anyone remember 2 twin brothers Don and Ron lowers and there close brother who lived in Buena Park BR which was big Ron Williams I was young in the early 70 but I remember 4th of July all the bikes at br house real close to the bar goid times growing ip
My Daddy was from Long Beach and he road with the nuggets. His Name was Clay Brannon but they called him Bush.
We will be at Long beach veterans staydium this Sunday
Anyone remember Animal? Rode and partied back in the 70’s.
I remember Animal…i was riding with Himmel 1982- 1989…..
If anyone has a bigger and better image of the patch or have any history on the club that I can add to above, please send in
Hi all, my Dad was given a card fr Tom Kat for being a Life Time Brother. I was able to get him a new card fr Matt Splatt before he passed. Anyone remember hearing about a “Crazy Wayne” who had an after hrs pool hall in South Gate, CA?
That was my Dad he passed in May 2020 he was 86. Ty Nuggets for embracing my Dad even tho he didn’t patch he still had mad respect.
I was in the club also..Yuma and judy..rod ,Ben were all still there in the 80’s..your friend George (poncho) was a good brother how is he doing…I went by deacon is what they called me
George(poncho) passed away in 2014. I got a bunch of photos of him and his bike though, not much nuggets pictures but a few. I’m married to one of his daughters, and when I ride my sporty I think of him often.
Me too…George / Poncho and i was coming from Germany…Yuma was Präsident at that Time…Judy…Maura and Ben Ziegler …Little Red…Larry Stiles…my Mentor…Animal…45…Hank and Stacy and a lot more…but i think…a lot passed away…i still got my Patch….here in Germany…and a lot of Pictures of the old Time…Greetings..Kraut / Rainer
Don’t know if you guys know but Larry Hayworth. Aka L.A. & scuba passed away at his home in Missouri. His last wish was to be cremated wearing his Nugget’s colors.
He died about a year back. I still miss his friendship
My dad was a patch holder when I was a kid, late 70’s he passed in 89. Was just curious if anybody remember him. Big “D” is what he went by. I spent alot of time on the back of his bike behind that patch.
Does anyone remember Kai who was in the Orange County Nuggets in the 1980s? I think his wife or girlfriend was Peggy?
hi admin i’m of the first nuggets when we regrouped in 1965 i was the youngest member and president of the club for a while i see of us older nuggets have passed on Yuma and me were closer than anything and Perk and i drove truck together and he was my prospect oh they called me Sweet pea just wonderland
i guess how things are going ???? my whole family where nuggets except for my Dad
Hi Admin…You know that still a Member lives in Germany ??..Sixpack is my Name..and Ben and Juma and Larry Stiles they know me,45, Little Red etc…i know some dont live anymore but i got still all my Patches… on the Picture and i got one for my ol lady…If you like more please contact me.
my Email : uchter@ english is not more that good …
The Nuggets still alive….??? NO answers on my questions ?? I would like to use my Colors here in Germany….and that from my old Lady…any Problems ?? Contact me….my Mail is uchter @ Greetings Kraut/ Rainer
Can you get a photo of your colors and send to me for addition to the Nuggets page please?
See the attached flyer for the number to call
Hey this is Nugget Torch Call the number on the flyer so you can get in contact with one of the brothers and talk with our Prez.