The Older Bikers Riding Club is a motorcycle riding club for older bikers that love to ride their bikes and want to enjoy their remaining years as much as possible.
We have some members that got back into riding after their children grew up and left home, other members that “used” to be patch holders in weekend MC’s or 1% MC’s and other men or women that just started riding. The common bond we all have is that we love riding and want to spend as much time riding as possible, while our health allows us to.
The common bond we all have is that we love riding and want to spend as much time riding as possible, while our health allows us to.
We are proud to announce the sanctioning of our newest Older Bikers Riding Club (OBRC) Chapter in Houston Texas on Friday, April 14, 2023.
This Chapter was formed six months after our Fort Worth, Texas chapter was formed. Plus, we already have individuals working on trying to start a Beaumont Texas Chapter.
This is just one more sign of us growing and helping the Older Generation of Bikers to meet with, ride with and build relationships with other Mature Bikers in their communities.
If you are over the age of 40 and are interested in helping us start a new OBRC chapter in Texas, we encourage you to join our forum or you can also join our Texas Facebook Group at: – is run by members of the Older Bikers Motorcycle Riding Club. Anyone over the age of 40, that owns and rides a motorcycle, can join and post in this group after permission to join.
Our mother chapter Facebook page is also private
Older Bikers Riding Club
We are a Special Division of the American Legacies LLC, a Not-For-Profit Organization dedicated to catering to older mature bikers and helping them to enjoy the last few years of riding before their bodies and nature take that pleasure and freedom away from them.
Some of our members have Cancer, while others have had knees or hips replaced. We also have individuals that have suffered strokes or heart attacks. Yet the bond they all have is the fact that they are still riding because they love the freedom and feelings each and every ride instills within them.
It’s all about riding, going to rallies and friendships. We don’t ride from bar to bar. Our policy is that we never drink and ride. We save the drinking for rallies where our bikes are parked for the night.
Some people have referred to us as a “Eating Club, with a Motorcycle Addition” and we are fine with that analogy because we love to enjoy a wide variety of tastes and flavors while we nourish our bodies and some of us have been known to ride hundreds of miles or even make overnight trips, just to check out a unique restaurant.
Others like to travel to motorcycle rallies and camp out where they can sit by a campfire and share stories of the “Good Old Days” and “Most Memorable Rides or Road Trips” while we make new friends and strengthen our bonds and knowledge of our closest club brothers and sisters.
Other members have even been known to share holiday meals with elderly or widowed members that would other wise be all alone without any biological family living close by.
So yes, we are more then simply a riding club. We are a family of Older Bikers. Even during the winter months, where our chapters that are located in the colder regions of our country, OBRC members have been known to drive cages in order to meet up and go to a movie, play pool, go bowling, play cards or just go out to EAT together when the weather prohibits the safe riding of our bikes.
But it is not all fun and games. We do have rules that we must abide by.
For safety reasons, since our reaction time gets slower as we age, we do not allow anyone to drink alcohol while we are out riding. That includes if we stop to eat at a place that serves beer or other alcoholic drinks.
On the other hand, if we are camped out at a rally and parked for the entire night or week, many of our members to like to indulge in some cool alcoholic beverages and relax.
Life on two wheels can get dangerous enough when you get older, without adding more risk factors. So, another important rule is that we do NOT allow any members that use, carry or distribute illegal drugs. That is for multiple reasons, including the fact that we don’t want to spend our final days in a jail cell because of the actions of someone else, combined with the fact that we don’t want to ride behind someone that is using any type of mind altering drugs.
As old school bikers, we try to promote the enjoyment of riding motorcycles, brotherhood, family responsibility, and respect for others as well as for ourselves. Therefore, we do require that every chapter has at least ONE experienced old school biker, preferably an ex-patch holder that can help educate the newer riders on proper riding techniques as well as acceptable policies when dealing with current patch holders from MC’s they may meet at rallies and other motorcycle events.
Our goal is to gain the respect of citizens as well as other bikers, not only because of our age and wisdom, but also because of our respect for them.
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