The Queens Together Making Changes “aka” QTMC or QT’s is an organization that embodies professional, confident, and GOD fearing women who strive to love and respect each others’ beliefs, uniqueness and individuality. QTMC is a network of female riders who simply enjoy the sport and fellowship of riding. But QTMC is more than just a motorcycle club; it is a sisterhood of diverse women and we cater to all females and all motorcycles.
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My name is Jim Bender. I am a member of the Jacksonville NC Kiwanis Club. We need your local club’s help, promotion, and participation for the 2nd Annual Jacksonville Kiwanis “Motorcycle Ride and Raffle” to be held Saturday, May 29, 2021 (Memorial Day Weekend) at New River Harley Davidson. A PDF flyer is available upon contact at the email below or (910) 789-9120. I am thanking you in advance for your help and promotion of this significant event for kids!