Road Wizards MCC are a Oldham charity based club and pride ourselves on the good work we do for those who have served our country.
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Francoleon Dollarhyde
Greetings Road Wizards MCC. My name is Francoleon Dollarhyde and I would like to ask if there are maybe mechanics needed in your club. The question is, I have 2 people coming over to my country, both huge motor cycle enthusiasts. And the man of the house so to speak is a mechanic, he has experience and ride a motor cycle himself. They asked me if I could enquire clubs if they need someone to fix and repair there cycles. I must admid myself when I heard of the Wizards Motor cycle club, I was a bit sceptical about it. But I have read here and there that its’ and very admirble and very loyal club, which is rare in my opinion these days. Glad to know there are still good decent people in this world. I do also hope you could maybe help these people, means a lot to… Read more »
Greetings Road Wizards MCC. My name is Francoleon Dollarhyde and I would like to ask if there are maybe mechanics needed in your club. The question is, I have 2 people coming over to my country, both huge motor cycle enthusiasts. And the man of the house so to speak is a mechanic, he has experience and ride a motor cycle himself. They asked me if I could enquire clubs if they need someone to fix and repair there cycles. I must admid myself when I heard of the Wizards Motor cycle club, I was a bit sceptical about it. But I have read here and there that its’ and very admirble and very loyal club, which is rare in my opinion these days. Glad to know there are still good decent people in this world. I do also hope you could maybe help these people, means a lot to… Read more »