Wolf Pack MC Oakland (USA)

Wolf Pack MC – Don’t confuse us with any other Wolf Pack MC’s, our chapter is in Oakland, California.

So, the idea for starting the club came from a desire to be in a motorcycle club that both retained the positive “old school” elements of biker clubs of old and which also looked toward the future to continue to bring about growth and development of the motorcycling club community with the love of riding and being with other bikers as the backdrop for it all.

Without knowing each other, the original 9 founders were each either on a active or less than active search for such a club. We found a unifying element in an Internet ad placed by one of the founders looking for others who had a similar vision.

Many are called, fewer chosen: That original Internet ad was placed in March of 2004. By May, more than 40 people had answered the call to help start the Wolf Pack MC. Between April and June of 2004 we engaged in the lengthy and sometimes difficult process of selecting the founding members of the club.

Prospective founders were asked to attend a certain number of rides and attend a certain number of meetings all the while everyone was being scoped out to see if they would really be a good fit with what was trying to be created.

On June 12, 2004, The Wolf Pack officially organized as a club. We consider this to be our official date of establishment. Of those dozens who showed various levels of interest in what was being created, eight men and one woman met the criteria to become a founding member of the Wolf Pack MC. One month later we had our first official hang-around. This individual went on to become a strong, contributing full patch member of the Wolf Pack MC after a four-month hang-around period and a five- month prospecting time. Wolf Pack MC never looked back.
We asked and got permission from the dominant club in our area to officially start our club and also got this club’s approval for our patch design, to help ensure that we were not stepping on any toes.
We spent the first several months of our existence getting to know one another. Only two of us knew each other prior to forming the club. We are now ready to branch out and socialize with many of the people in this great riding community of ours. We have made a strong beginning and look forward to years of ridin’ and clubbin’.

Wolf Pack MC club motto is “Old School Values, New World Attitudes.” Our motto most succinctly describes our mission.

We seriously reflect the values of brotherhood/sisterhood, biker camaraderie and of supporting the larger biker community as well as our local communities, that mostly reflects the “Old School” part. At the same time, we are not interested in separatism in any way. We are not interested in playing into any of the divisions that have cropped up in the motorcycling and motorcycling club world over the years.

We do not promote the idea that one bike brand, one gender, one race or one biker “attitude” is better, more genuine or is the more “real” expression of what a biker is. That mostly reflects the “New World” part.
Reflecting the great diversity that exists in the worldwide motorcycling community is also a very important objective of the club. Toward this end, our club is open to male and female riders, riders of every ethnicity, riders of all brands of motorcycles and people from many different walks of life and life experiences.

Like the wolf packs found in nature, we strive to have members from a large age range and various generations as well. Our belief in having members from a large age range is not just a belief rooted in the idea that the young can learn from the older or that the young can provide fresh energy and enthusiasm. It is both of these ideas and more. It is also an idea rooted in the belief that we all can learn something from each other and contribute something to the growth of one another no matter what our age or what the nature of our life experience.

We are serious riders, we do not just ride our bikes on weekends or wear our leathers as fashion statements.

Wolf Pack MC

Wolf Pack MC

The term Wolf Pack represents a close-knit Brotherhood/Sisterhood shaped by loyalty, discipline and interdependence.

These are attributes of the canine wolf packs found in nature. These are also values that are important to the survival of any serious motorcycle club. The wolf is subjected to misconception, misunderstanding and negative press in the general population. Bikers are subjected to the same. For both, the security and friendship found in the pack, often proves to be an invaluable asset.

The wolf’s head logo, found on the clubs colors, with its contrasting color scheme of gray and black, represent the concept of a unity that is grounded in diversity, diversity being a strong founding principal of this organization. The blue in the background represents loyalty to the pack. The number “9” found to the left of the wolf’s head is in tribute to the nine founding members of our club.

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