The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association is an International Association which is open to all Master Masons who enjoy the sport of motorcycling and have a desire to ride with and associate with their fraternal brothers.
While we wear identifying patches or regalia, the Widows Sons are not a gang or 1% club. We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times.
The Widows Sons serve as a Masonic Booster Club by helping to raise Masonic Awareness while we attend public motorcycling events and by supporting our Blue Lodges in whatever capacity we are able.
Widows Sons chapters have helped increase Masonic membership through our presence and visibility during these events and rallies.
In every location where we have a chapter, The Widows Sons have proven themselves to be a positive asset to the fraternity.
We are not an appendant body of freemasonry or the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and do not speak or act as representatives of freemasonry. We do however affiliate with other like-minded persons in the motorcycling community to positively demonstrate the fine principles of freemasonry.
Ohio Widows Sons – Welcome to the Ohio Grand Chapter Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association